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Who are we?


Nice to meet you


Across the world, thousands know and enjoy the worksheets and reference materials we produced over the years, but only very few know us… the producers. So, Shalom and nice to meet you! Near the end of 5766 (2006), our family left Israel and embarked on Shlichus "in the realm of Chinuch (education)" in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov. We consider this to be a great privilege. Since then we have been devoted to educating the Shluchim’s children and bringing the Jewish children that live here closer to Yiddishkeit in the framework of the Torah and educational institutions headed by Rabbi Moshe and his wife, Rebbetzin Miriam Moskowitz.


During our Shlichus in Ukraine, we have learned to value and love the special souls who have grown closer to Judaism, despite the destructive effects of the communist regime that ruled the country for over seventy years. This dictatorial regime did everything in its power to eliminate Yiddishkeit and, sadly, managed to cut off millions from their Jewish roots and heritage. These special souls are thirsty for Judaism and long to learn and know their roots. We are here for them, despite the challenges.

The problem and solution


Over the years, as we engaged in teaching, we discovered a great shortage and need for beautiful, interesting, and professional teaching aids that can help us illustrate the study materials for the young students. We decided to take on the task and have consistently created highly-invested worksheets, arts and crafts and reference materials.


We shared the materials we created with our colleagues – teaching staff from Israel and around the world – until, inadvertently, we reached tens of thousands of students across the globe. The growing demand illustrated to us more than anything how great the shortage really is and, with the encouragement of teachers who enjoyed our materials we produced, we expanded our activity and invested a lot of time and effort in producing more materials for all the weekly Torah readings. We made sure to be precise and pay attention to even the smallest details.

The next stage


In order to ease and facilitate the teaching staffs and make the materials we created accessible to thousands more, including directly to parents and their children, we decided to establish the website you are currently visiting. Here on this site, one can watch and download – free of cost – in an easy and organized manner, all the materials we have already created and, with G-d’s help, all the additional materials we will continue to produce.


What's planned?


Currently we are working on producing a weekly presentation dedicated to each of the Torah readings, an innovative tool that can assist teachers in frontal and online teaching of the study materials. With G-d’s help, the presentations will be uploaded to the website on a weekly basis.

Some of the arts and crafts and reference materials have been translated by us and additional teachers into different languages, and we will, G-d willing, upload the files to the site in an organized manner. In addition, we are constantly working on producing additional materials and innovative and interesting aids that can benefit the teaching staffs, students, and parents. All these will be added to the site – with G-d’s help – once they are ready.


Partnership and gratitude


Close friends who saw the extent of our investment in the materials, suggested we charge a fee for the use of the materials. We refused and continue to refuse. Our goal is to reach everyone and, G-d forbid, not prevent access to the enlightening materials we have produced, due to lack of financial ability.


We will continue to produce and distribute the materials with love and for free to anyone requesting them. However, simultaneously, in order for us to continue to invest time and resources in maintaining the site and developing additional learning materials, we have added to this site an opportunity to help us, show your gratitude and partner with us in spreading Judaism. Each and every one of you, according to your desire and ability, is invited to click here and take part in the great privilege of providing experiential Torah study to thousands of Jewish children.

Thank you!


We wish to thank the hundreds and thousands who use the materials we produced, for their continued encouragement and helpful comments. We also thank all those who took part in translating the materials, to all the distributors and the partners who show their gratitude and assist us maintain the site and expand our activity. May G-d Almighty reward you and bless you for your good deeds.


The merit of the study of Torah via the materials we produced, is dedicated to the success of our Shlichus and the education of our dear children.


Dedicated to the memory of our dear brother and brother-in-law, HaTomim Levi OBM, son of Rabbi Israel Yosef HaCohen and his wife, Hendel.


To the ‘Nachas’ of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Nosi Hador, and hastening the coming of Moshiach and the building of the Third Temple speedily in our times.


With blessings and appreciation,

Shlomo and Chani Segal
Kharkov, Ukraine

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